Air Pollution: How Does Affect Your Health?
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Air pollution is a well-known health risk. There’s no mistaking the smell of exhaust billowing across a busy highway or the smokestack plume rising from a city. Some air pollution is invisible, but its odor alerts you..

Bleeding Disorders: Types, Causes, and Symptoms
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Bleeding disorders are rare medical conditions wherein the blood cannot clot properly. The blood inability to clot correctly is a dangerous condition because this could result in excessive bleeding..

Esophageal Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Test
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Esophageal cancer is cancer that occurs in the esophagus a long and hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach. It is also the esophagus is the muscular passage that food and liquids use to reach the stomach..

Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, & Symptoms
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A vaginal yeast infection is a condition characterized by burning, intense itchiness, redness, and white discharge from the vagina and the vulva the tissues at the vaginal opening..

Heart Arrhythmia: Symptoms, Causes, and Types
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Heart Arrhythmia or heart rhythm problems occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don’t work properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly..

Male Breast Cancer: Symptom, And Causes
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Male breast cancer is a rare cancer that forms in the breast tissue of men. Though breast cancer is most commonly thought of as a disease that affects women, breast cancer does occur in men..

Pneumonia Symptoms and Diagnosis
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Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. Not only the air sacs may be filled with fluid or pus (purulent material), causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. But also a variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia..

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
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A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract the bladder and the urethra..

Eating disorders: Different types and Causes
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Eating disorder is a precarious health condition characterized by persisting eating habit that negatively impacts one's emotion, health and way of life. This grave mental health condition requires medical and psychological intervention..

Peripartum or Postpartum Depression
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Peripartumdepressionrefers to depression occurringduringpregnancyor after childbirth. The use of the term peripartum recognizes that depression associated with having a baby often begins during pregnancy..

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
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Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)is a hormonal imbalance that affects a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS have higher-than-normal levels of male hormones known as androgens..

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of symptoms that many women get about a week or two before their period..

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
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Restless leg syndrome, or RLS, is a neurological disorder, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease or RLS/WED..

Sepsis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Risk
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Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by your body's response to an infection that damages its own tissues. Your immune system protects you from many illnesses and infections, but it's also possible for it to go into overdrive in response to an infection..

High Protein Food
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Brain Tumor: Symptoms and Its Treatment
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A brain tumor is a mass of abnormal cells located in your brain. The bone structure of your skull serves to protect your brain within. The robust growth of anything within a confined space might become an issue. Tumors of the brain can be either malignant (cancerous) or noncancerous (benign). Benign or malignant tumors might cause the increased pressure inside your skull. Pregnant women and children are more at risk since it causes brain damage and is life-threatening..

Vaginitis – Types, Symptoms, and Prevention
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Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching, and pain..

MEDITERRANEAN DIET: Benefits and Drawbacks
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The Mediterraneandietis one of the best and widely acclaimed so-called diets. In fact, U.S. News & World Report ranked the Mediterranean diet first on its 2019 41 Best Diets Overall list, citing a slew of health benefits, including weight loss, heart and brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes prevention and control..

Reproductive System: Male and Female
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Reproductive System is the organs that involve in producing offspring..

What Is An Eating Disorders: Types & Symptoms
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Eating disorders are a group of conditions characterized by an unhealthy relationship with food. In severe cases, eating disorders can have serious health consequences and can be fatal if left untreated. People with eating disorders can have a variety of symptoms..

Aerobic Exercise: Types, List, and Benefits
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Aerobic actually means “with oxygen”, which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move, exercises provide cardiovascular conditioning..

Fitness: Definition, Factors, and Types
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“Fitness” is a broad term that means something different to each person, but it refers to your own optimal health and overall well-being..

Panic Attack: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention
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A panic attack is an abrupt episode of severe anxiety, that illustrates physical sensations of fear. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling, and muscle tension. Panic attacks occur frequently and unexpectedly and are often not related to any external threat. A panic attack can last from a few minutes to half an hour. However, the physical and emotional effects of the attack may last for a few hours..

Birth Control: Which Is Right For You
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Birth control is the prevention of conception or pregnancy through various devices, drugs, agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures. It enables individuals to decide when they want to have a child..