Food Poisoning Symptoms and Causes
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Foodborne sickness, more generally known as food poisoning, occurs due to consuming contaminated, damaged, or toxic food. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are the most frequent symptoms of food poisoning..

Nutrition: Nutrients and Dietitian’s Role
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Nutrition is the study of how food influences the body’s health. Food is necessary for survival; it offers critical nutrients and aids in the body’s function and health maintenance. Food contains macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, and fat that provide calories to fuel the body and provide energy and play specialized roles in health maintenance. Additionally, food provides micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and phytochemicals, which do not provide calories but perform many vital functions in the body..

High fiber foods: Benefits and foods to eat
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Throughout the years, high-fiber foods help to achieve good health. To keep us away from diseases, we must include high-fiber foods in our daily meal plans..

Paleo Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages
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Throughout the years, human seeks for the best diet plan. Various diet plans and fads emerge from time to time from The vegan diet, Dukan diet,Keto diet, and Paleo Diet..