Hashimoto’s disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Hashimoto’s disease is also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune condition that affects the thyroid gland. In addition, it is an autoimmune condition is a disease in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues. Immune cells in Hashimoto’s disease cause the thyroid’s hormone-producing cells to die. The condition usually causes a decrease in hormone production (hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid does not produce enough hormones to meet the body’s requirements.
Normal Delivery and CS Delivery: The Comparison
Normal Deliveryand CS Delivery: The goal of all women giving delivery is the same. To get the baby out as quickly as possible. The means by which we accomplish this is sometimes a matter of personal preference. And other times it is dictated by medical need..
Dandruff- Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Dandruffis connected to Seborrheic Dermatitis (SD), which is characterized by itchy and dry skin, however it exclusively affects the scalp. It is so widespread that it affects approximately half of the world’s adult population, according to Trusted Source..
Women’s Health Issues; Here are some of them
Women’s health issues. While both men and women develop various conditions, some health issues affect women more differently and more commonly. Furthermore, many women's health conditions weren’t undiagnosed and most drug trials does not include female test subjects. Even so, women bear exclusive health concerns, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, menopause, and pregnancy. Women suffer higher heart attack deaths compared to men. Depression and anxiety exhibit more frequently among female patients. Urinary tract conditions present more often in females, and sexually transmitted diseases can cause more harm to women. Among the conditions that present most frequently in women, are the following eight illnesses which pose most considerable health risks..
Fulminant Hepatitis
Fulminant hepatitis is a condition in which your liver begins to fail very quickly. Usually within days or weeks, depending on the cause of the infection. This type of sudden liver failure can occur in people who have previously had stable liver disease or in people who have never had liver issues..
Episiotomy: Understanding More About It
Episiotomy is a surgical incision that is done in the perineum. In which is the tissue that separates the vaginal opening from the anus. This method, which was once considered standard practice during labor. It is no longer so. You should be aware of the risks associated with episiotomy and childbirth. If you are considering a vaginal delivery..
The Impact of Using High-Heel Shoes on Women’s Health
The impact of using High-heel shoes on women’s health. A large number of women habitually wear high-heeled shoes (high heels). Which are widely regarded as an important feature of their femininity. Across a wide range of cultural contexts. According to information that has been brought to our notice. There is an explicit and implicit requirement to wear high heels. It has been established in past investigations and reviews. That wearing high heels is detrimental to one’s physical and mental wellbeing..
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome is characterized by congenital heart abnormalities that cause blood to circulate improperly in the heart and lungs of the patient. When blood does not flow correctly through your lungs. The blood vessels in your lungs become rigid and narrow. Raising the pressure in the arteries of your lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension). The blood vessels in your lungs are permanently damaged as a result of this..
Malaria: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Malaria is a parasite-borne disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Fever, chills, and flu-like symptoms are common in those who have contracted malaria. They may develop significant difficulties and eventually die if they are not address. In 2020, an estimated 241 million cases of malaria will be reported worldwide, resulting in 627,000 deaths, the majority of whom will be children in sub-Saharan Africa. Each year, around 2,000 cases of the disease are reported in the United States. The majority of cases in the United States are causes by travel to or by immigrants returning from countries where the virus is prevalent, with the majority of cases occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia..
Rubella: Causes and Treatments
Rubella is a contagious viral infection characterized by a characteristic red rash. Also, it is a skin and lymph node infection that affects the majority of people. It’s also known as three-day measles or German measles. While most people will experience very minor symptoms or none at all, it can have catastrophic consequences for unborn children whose mothers become infected during pregnancy..
Sleep Deprivation: A Closer Look at It’s Implications On Memory
Sleep Deprivation is one feeling of being “zombified” after a night of little or no sleep. Is something almost everyone has experienced. Even after only one night of inadequate sleep, we can feel tired and grumpy during the day. With sluggish thinking, a lack of energy, and an irritable disposition..
Chrissy Metz: The Weight Loss Story
Chrissy Metz: the weight loss story. Chrissy Metz is an actress who is best known for her role as Kate Pearsons. On the hit NBC television drama This Is Us. She is a role model for women of all ages and sizes. And she is a role model for women of all shapes and sizes. She has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world with her story of weight reduction struggle. Perhaps the most encouraging aspect is that the show’s creator, Dan Fogelman. Has expressed strong support for the endeavor. Chrissy is free to lose weight at her own pace, which she appreciates..
Leptospirosis- Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Leptospirosis is a bacterium that causes sickness in both humans and animals. Bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospira are to blame. In humans, the illness can cause a variety of symptoms, some of which may be confused for those of other disorders. On the other hand, some infected people may show no signs or symptoms at all..
Smoker’s Flu: Understanding This Disease
Smoker’s Flu, sometimes known as quitter’s flu. It is a slang word that refers to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal that occur after quitting smoking. Rather than being an infectious condition, smoker’s flu refers to the physiological changes. That occur in a smoker’s body when he or she adjusts to life after quitting..
Every year, millions of people become infected with dengue. Southeast Asia, the western Pacific islands, Latin America, and Africa are the most affected by dengue fever. However, the disease has spread to new areas, including local outbreaks in Europe and the southern United States..
Vascular Disease: What To Know About
Vascular disease can be defined as any ailment that affects the network of blood vessels in your body. Whenever the heart beats, blood is pumped via a network of blood arteries. Which is known as the circulatory system. The vessels are flexible tubes that transport blood to and from all parts of the body..
Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders
Carbohydrate metabolism disorders are a set of metabolic illnesses that affect the way carbohydrates are broken down. Normally, your enzymes break down carbohydrates into glucose for energy (a type of sugar). Having one of these illnesses may mean that you don’t have enough enzymes. To break down the carbohydrates in your diet. Alternatively, the enzymes may not function properly. As a result, a dangerous amount of sugar accumulates in your bloodstream. This can result in health complications, some of which are potentially life-threatening. Some of the conditions are life-threatening..
Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy: The Differences
Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy are two cancer treatments that are frequently employed. Both methods of therapy entail the administration of medications. In order to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Despite the fact that they both want the same thing, Their approaches to achieving it are very different..
Euthanasia: Knowing the Facts
Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is the act or practice of putting to death. People who are suffering from a painful and incurable disease or a physically incapacitating disorder. Without causing them any pain, or of allowing them to die by withholding treatment. Or withdrawing artificial life-sustaining measures. Because most legal systems do not make a special provision for it. It is usually seen as either suicide (if carried out by the patient himself). But rather murder (if carried out by someone else) (if performed by another)..
Heel Injuries and Disorders: Common Causes and Treatment
The heel is the protrusion at the back of the foot. It is based on the calcaneus, or heel bone, projecting behind the articulation of the bones of the lower leg. Sometimes, heel Injuries and Disorders happen to cause damage and inconvenience..