Blood Disorders
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Blood disorders are conditions wherein there are problems with the three main components of blood. These three components are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each component plays a vital role in our body..

Bleeding Disorders: Types, Causes, and Symptoms
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Bleeding disorders are rare medical conditions wherein the blood cannot clot properly. The blood inability to clot correctly is a dangerous condition because this could result in excessive bleeding..

Eating disorders: Different types and Causes
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Eating disorder is a precarious health condition characterized by persisting eating habit that negatively impacts one's emotion, health and way of life. This grave mental health condition requires medical and psychological intervention..

High fiber foods: Benefits and foods to eat
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Throughout the years, high-fiber foods help to achieve good health. To keep us away from diseases, we must include high-fiber foods in our daily meal plans..

Paleo Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages
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Throughout the years, human seeks for the best diet plan. Various diet plans and fads emerge from time to time from The vegan diet, Dukan diet,Keto diet, and Paleo Diet..