Bipolar Disorder: What It Is & What To Do
Bipolar disorder is a type of brain condition that results in significant variations in mood, energy level, and capacity to operate. Bipolar disorder patients endure extreme emotional states over days to weeks, referred to as mood episodes. Manic/hypomanic (excessively cheerful or angry mood) or depressing mood episodes are classified (sad mood). Individuals who have bipolar disorder also experience times of stable mood. Bipolar disorder patients can live whole and productive lives when adequately treated..
Cataracts: Learn More About Your Vision
A cataract is a clouding of your eye’s usually clear lens. Cataract patients describe seeing through clouded lenses as being similar to looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. Cataracts can impair your ability to read, drive a car (particularly at night), or perceive the expression on a friend’s face..
Asthma: What Do You Want To Know About
People who have asthma have an inflammatory lung disease. Adults can get it as well, though it is not a very common long-term illness for children. People with asthma have night-time or early-morning wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. It is present all the time, but attacks are only brought on by things that irritate your lungs..
Penis Disorders: When to see a doctor?
In the male reproductive system, the penis is an external organ. Priapism, balanitis, penile cancer, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculatory disorders are all illnesses that can affect. This section provides you with information about each condition’s causes and remedies..
Phobia: An Anxiety Disorder
A phobia is an unreasonable and extreme fear response. People who have a phobia may have a profound fear and anxiety whenever they confront the object of their fear. It is possible to be fearful of a certain location, setting, or object. A phobia is rarely associated with anything specific..
Digestive System: Structure and Function
From the top of your mouth to the bottom of your stomach, your food makes an incredible journey through your body. The good things in your meal get absorb, giving you nutrients and energy. To help illustrate how the digestive system works, here’s a step-by-step explanation..
Diabetes Knowledge is a Must
People with diabetes don’t have enough glucose in their bodies to utilize the sugar in the food they eat. Diabetes comes in several forms, but they are all linked by the presence of high glucose levels in the blood. Medications and/or insulin injections may be part of the treatment. Healthy living can help prevent several types of diabetes..
Diabetes: Symptoms and its Effect
Diabetes is a term that refers to a disorder that impairs the body’s ability to utilize (glucose). When you stop to consider it, glucose is much more than a source of energy. It is necessary for the formation of healthy tissue and muscle. Additionally, your brain is the primary source of food for your brain..