Concussion Signs and Symptoms
Author: AlvinCategory: Mental Health
Tags: health, mental, symptoms, concussions, concussion
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain damage that impairs your ability to think. Although the effects are typically transient, they may include headaches and difficulties with focus, memory, balance, and coordination.
Typically, concussions cause by a blow to the head. Concussions can also by violent shaking of the head and upper body.
While some concussions result in loss of consciousness, the majority do not.
Concussions causes by falls. Concussions are also a possibility if you participate in a contact sport like football or soccer. The majority of people recover completely following a concussion.
Symptoms A concussion’s signs and symptoms can be subtle and may not manifest immediately. Symptoms may persist for several days, weeks, or even months.
Headache, memory loss (amnesia), and disorientation are common symptoms of a concussive traumatic brain injury. Amnesia typically refers to the inability to recall the event that produced the concussion.
Concussion-related physical signs and symptoms may include the following:
- Headache
- Ear ringing
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Tiredness or sleepiness
- Perplexed vision
Additional signs and symptoms of a concussion include the following:
- Confusion or the sensation of being in a fog
- Amnesia in the aftermath of the horrific event
- Disorientation or “seeing stars”
A witness may notice the following indications and symptoms in a
concussed individual
- Absence of consciousness for a brief period of time (however this does not always occur)
- Speech slurred
- Responses to queries are delayed
- Perplexed appearance
- Forgetfulness, such as asking the same question repeatedly
Some concussion symptoms may manifest immediately, while others may take days to manifest, including the following:
- Complaints about concentration and memory
- Irritability and other changes in personality
- Intolerance of light and noise
- Disruptions in sleep
- Depression and difficulties with psychological integration
- Appetite and olfactory disorders
- Children’s Symptoms
- Head trauma is extremely prevalent in infants and young children.
However, infants and toddlers may have difficulty identifying concussions due to their inability to express how they feel. Suggestions for concussion include the following:
- Perplexed appearance
- Listlessness and a proclivity for exhaustion
- Irritation and grumpiness
- Balance problems and unstable walking
- Excessive tears
- Alterations in eating and sleeping habits
- Absence of enthusiasm for beloved toys
- Vomiting
- Seizures
When to consult a physician
Consult a physician within 1 to 2 days if:
- You or your child sustains a head injury, even if immediate medical attention is not required.
- If your child is not showing signs of a significant head injury, is alert, usually moves, and responds to you, the injury is most likely light and does not require additional testing.
In this instance, it is acceptable to let your youngster nap. If any concerning symptoms occur later, seek emergency care.
Seek emergency attention if an adult or kid exhibits the following signs and symptoms of a head injury:
- Vomiting or nausea regularly
- A period of unconsciousness that lasts more than 30 seconds
- A persistent headache that worsens over time
- Drainage of fluid or blood from the nose or ears
- Disturbances of vision or the eyes, such as larger than normal pupils (dilated pupils) or pupils of unequal size
- An incessant ringing in the ears
- Weak arms or legs
Experts urge that an athlete who has sustained a suspected concussion refrain from engaging in activities that increase the risk of another concussion while still exhibiting concussion symptoms.
Children and adolescents should assess by a healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in evaluating and treating pediatric concussions.
When to seek medical attention for emergency symptoms
Consult a physician if you feel you or someone else has had a concussion. Inform the athletic coach and seek medical attention if a concussion happens during practice or a game.
Concussions accompany by spinal damage. If you suspect someone has suffered a neck or back injury, refrain from moving them and call an ambulance for assistance. If you really must move the individual, do it with extreme caution. It would be best if you attempted to maintain the individual’s neck and back as still as possible. This will prevent additional spinal injury.
Diagnosis of concussion
If a physician or emergency room visit is required, your doctor will begin by inquiring about the nature of the injury and its symptoms. Your doctor may then conduct a physical examination to ascertain the nature of your problems.
If you experience severe symptoms, your doctor may order an MRI or CT scan of your brain to rule out any major injuries. If you have seizures, your doctor may also order an electroencephalogram to monitor your brain waves.
Certain physicians conduct a particular eye examination to check for concussions. Certified athletic trainers may occasionally administer this test. To determine whether any visual alterations are associated with a concussion. Your doctor may examine your pupil size, eye movements, and light sensitivity for changes.
How to treat a concussion
The severity of your symptoms dictates how to treat for a concussion. If you have the following conditions, you may require surgery or other medical procedures:
- cerebral hemorrhage
- enlargement of the brain
- a severe brain damage
However, the majority of concussions do not require surgery or other significant medical treatment.
If your doctor determines that the concussion produces headaches, they may prescribe over-the-counter pain medicines such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Additionally, your doctor will likely advise you to get plenty of rest, avoid sports and other physical activities, and abstain from driving a vehicle or riding a bike for at least 24 hours, if not several months, depending on the severity of your injury. Alcohol may impede healing, so see your doctor about whether you should abstain from it. To abstain from alcohol, find out how long your doctor recommends.
Preventing concussions
You can decrease your risk of concussion by wearing the proper helmet and other athletic safety gear while participating in sports activities. Always ensure that the helmet and other protective equipment fit properly and wear properly. Consult a coach or other sports professional for advice on safe playing practices, and heed their advice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a detailed overview of concussion material. A Reliable Source.
Treatment for Concussions and Home Remedies
If you do not require hospitalization, the doctor will provide you with instructions. If symptoms worsen, experts urge seeking medical assistance within 24 to 72 hours. To recover at home, you should do the following:
Allow yourself a rest. If you got a concussion while participating in athletic activity, immediately cease play and take a break. Your brain requires time to repair correctly, which is why rest is critical. Certainly do not resume play the following day. Coaches should regularly observe athletes and children once resuming play. If you return to play too soon, you increase your risk of suffering a second concussion, which can exacerbate the damage. The American Academy of Neurology has developed recommendations for returning to normal activities following a concussion.
Prevent recurrent concussions. Concussions that occur repeatedly have cumulative consequences on the brain. Consecutive concussions can have dire consequences, including brain swelling, chronic brain damage, long-term disability, and even death. Do not resume normal activities if you are still experiencing symptoms. Obtain a doctor’s approval before returning to work or play.
Aspirin-free medicines use to treat pain. Your doctor will either prescribe pain medicine or suggest an over-the-counter solution.
Long-term prognosis following a concussion
While the majority of people recover entirely from concussions, the symptoms may last for months. Occasionally, people undergo more permanent emotional, mental, or physical changes.