
Cellulitis Tips for Care and Prevention

Author: Alvin Alvin
Category: Health

Cellulitis is a type of bacterial skin illness that is quite prevalent. Indeed, cellulitis is responsible for about 14 million cases in America each year. The illness can manifest itself anywhere on the body and, if left untreated, can result in significant problems.

We will explore the origins, treatments, and symptoms of cellulitis in this post. Continue reading to learn more.

Cellulitis is a term that encompasses a variety of conditions.

Cellulitis is a common type of skin infection that is frequently unpleasant. At first, it may seem as a discolored, swollen area that is hot to the touch. Discoloration and edema are contagious.

Cellulitis generally appears red or pink on light skin. It may seem dark brown, gray, or purple on dark skin.

Although it most frequently affects the feet and lower legs, the infection can arise anywhere on the body or face.

Cellulitis typically occurs on the skin’s surface, but it can also affect the tissues beneath. The infection has the potential to spread to lymph nodes and the circulation.

Cellulitis can become life threatening if left untreated. Seek medical attention immediately if you have symptoms.


Cellulitis occurs when specific bacteria infiltrate the skin via a crack in its surface. This infection causes by Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (strep) bacteria.

The infection can begin as a result of a variety of skin injuries, including the following:

  • cuts
  • insect bites
  • surgical incisions


Cellulitis treat with antibiotics taken orally for a minimum of five days.

A Reliable Source. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe pain medicines. However, doctors will immediately begin administering intravenous (IV) antibiotics upon diagnosis of symptoms in some instances.

You should avoid strenuous activity until your symptoms improve. Raising the affected limb above the level of your heart can also aid with edema reduction.

It should resolve after 7 to 10 days of initiating antibiotic therapy. If your infection is more serious, therapy requires for a longer period.

Even if your symptoms resolve within a few days, you must complete all antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Consult your physician if you experience any of the following:

  • if you do not feel better within three days of initiating antibiotics
  • Observe how your symptoms deteriorate
  • acquire a fever

If you have any of the following, you may require hospitalization for IV antibiotic treatment:

  • a scorching temperature
  • blood pressure is too low
  • a condition that does not improve when treated with oral antibiotics
  • a compromised immune system as a result of various disorders
  • facilitated by the Rubicon Project


Cellulitis symptoms include the following:

  • discomfort and pain in the afflicted area
  • your skin’s redness or irritation
  • a skin irritation or rash that rapidly expands
  • Skin that is taut, shiny, and plump
  • a sensation of warmth in the area affected
  • a pus-filled abscess
  • fever

Cellulitis is contagious, isn’t it?

Cellulitis is rarely contagious. You can get a bacterial skin infection if you have an open cut on your skin that contact infected skin.

If you do acquire cellulitis due to a transmitted illness, it might be severe if not treated promptly. This is why it is critical to notify your doctor immediately upon noticing symptoms of cellulitis.

Cellulitis diagnose in one of two ways.

Cellulitis is most likely to be diagnosed simply by looking at your skin. A physical examination may reveal the following:

  • skin enlargement
  • The affected area’s redness and warmth
  • glands swollen

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may choose to watch the afflicted area for several days to determine whether the coloring and swelling have spread. Your doctor may take blood or a sample of the wound to test for bacteria in some circumstances.

Cellulitis home remedies

Always consult your physician first if you experience signs of cellulitis. Without treatment, it has the potential to spread and create a potentially fatal illness.

There are, however, some things that you can do at home to alleviate pain and other symptoms. To begin, you can cleanse the area of skin affected by cellulitis. Consult your physician for instructions on how to properly clean and protect your wound.

If your leg is affected, elevate it above your heart level. This will aid in the reduction of edema and pain.

Risk factors for cellulitis

For instance, if you have a skin problem such as eczema or an athlete’s foot, you are more prone to cellulitis. This is because bacteria can enter your skin as a result of the fractures caused by these situations.

A compromised immune system also raises your risk of developing cellulitis, as it cannot adequately defend you from infection.

Additional risk factors include the following:

  • a cut, scrape, or other type of skin injury
  • diabetes
  • Arms or legs swollen (lymphedema)
  • obesity

Bacteria Enter Through Skin Breaks

Cellulitis can affect anyone, however certain variables can enhance one’s chance of contracting the infection. The following are risk factors for infection due to their ability to allow bacteria to pass through the skin:

  • Abrasions that result in a break in the skin (like cuts, ulcers, bites, puncture wounds, tattoos, piercings)
  • Skin problems that persist for an extended period (such as athlete’s foot and eczema)
  • Shingles and chickenpox
  • Utilization of injection drugs

Additional risk factors for cellulitis include the following:

  • Lymphedema is a disorder of the lymphatic system. The fluid containing infection-fighting cells does not drain properly (lymphedema); the lymphatic system is a component of the body’s immune system and assists in the movement of fluid containing infection-fighting cells throughout the body.
  • Extraction of a healthy vein from the leg and connection to the coronary artery to enhance blood flow to the heart (coronary artery bypass grafting)

Its Outward Appearance diagnoses cellulitis

Cellulitis diagnose through a physical examination and examination of the afflicted skin. Generally, no blood or other laboratory testing iare required.

The Use of Antibiotics Is Necessary

Antibiotics uses to treat cellulitis. The majority of cellulitis infections manage with oral antibiotics (oral antibiotics). Serious infections may require hospitalization and treatment with intravenous (IV) antibiotics injected straight into a vein.

If the infection is in the arm or leg, elevating the limb can reduce swelling and expediting recovery.

Complications Are Not Frequently Occurring, but They Can Be Serious

Although cellulitis-related complications are uncommon, they can involve serious infections in the following locations:

  • Bliss (bacteremia)
  • Intersections (suppurative arthritis)
  • Xiphos (osteomyelitis)
  • The lining of the heart chambers and the heart valves (endocarditis)
  • If blood clots form near to the skin, cellulitis can result in vein edema (thrombophlebitis).

Take Care of Yourself and Others

Cellulitis can occur more than once in a person’s lifetime. Cellulitis does not safeguard an individual from contracting it again in the future. While no vaccination exists to prevent cellulitis or group A strep infections in general, there are steps you can take to safeguard yourself and others.

Effective Wound Care

Preventing bacterial skin infections, including cellulitis, is best accomplished by common sense and proper wound care.

  • Soap and water uses to clean all minor wounds and injuries that break the skin (such as blisters and scratches).
  • Clean and bind draining or exposed wounds until they heal.
  • Consult a physician if you have a puncture or other deep or serious wound.

Avoid spending time in the following areas if you have an open wound or an active infection:

  • Spas
  • Pools
  • Natural water bodies (e.g., lakes, rivers, oceans)

Hands should be washed often with soap and water or, if washing is not practicable, with an alcohol-based hand massage.

Individuals who have had multiple cases of cellulitis below the knee should screen for fungal infections (athlete’s foot). These infections should be addressed since they can result in skin fractures and cellulitis.

Diabetes patients should inspect their feet frequently for injuries or symptoms of infection.

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